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Pub People: Pints of Love and Gallons of Words

The second volume of the 'Pub People' Saga is a collection of small stories that follow the adventures of Geraghty's Pub social drinkers in their quest for World Peace.
Pub People: Pints of Love and Gallons of Words book cover
The social drinkers’ efforts to save humankind were fraught. Waves of opposition crashed against their bar stools.

Despite the public tongue-lashings from special interest groups, the social drinkers stood firm: “We feel it in our bones - music can create World Peace.”
Military-Industrial Complex: “Don’t be ridiculous - weapons create peace.”

The Church objected: “Peace is our turf! Haven’t we been singing sleep in heavenly peace since the first Christmas?”
Egghead: “All right, you inebriated philistines, prove it. How can music create peace?”

It was a fair question. So, the social drinkers ordered another round and set about understanding the origins of music and how the brain processes music.

They met with Chief Neuronimo, the leader of the 100 billion restive brain neurons: “Sounds were important for the survival of prehistoric humans. Primitive combinations of sounds, i.e., proto-music, enabled communication and socializing – ahem - in every sense of the word.

“The physiology of our ears preferred harmonious sounds, and these were rewarded by the release of brain-drugs that created empathy, love, and euphoria. “
Social Drinkers: “So, we were right all along. Harmonious sounds can create the essential ingredients of peace. And yes, the devil is in the details…let’s get into them…”
Meanwhile, Slow Pint flirted with Flaming Cosmo, Double Red Bull twitched, bobbed, and weaved, and the bartender went mad.
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