qUeUe: “Being Scottish, I like a wee dram. Be that as it may, we have some data that might change your mind.
“First, physiologically speaking, our blood circulation vibrates at 0.05–0.3 Hz, breathing averages 0.2 Hz, our heart beats at 1 Hz, brainwaves cycle up to 10 Hz. All on automatic.”
JB: “So, we are shaking, not stirred…”
qUeUe: “Oh, for pity’s sake, JB, get a grip. Now, pay attention.
“Body-generated dopamine creates exhilarated emotions. It vibrates at 38 Hz. Emotions are not something we control. Or so we thought. But we’ve come up with something new.
“I want you to wear this wedding ring. When you rotate it, an embedded transmitter emits the frequency of dopamine.”
JB: “There goes my love-life…hmmm…or does it?”
qUeUe: “I dare say, JB. The device resonates with your opponent’s source of dopamine and creates wave after wave of euphoria. Debilitating schizophrenia sets in as the newborn euphoria battles the incumbent evil, requiring an extended stint in a sanatorium…
“Now, remember, I want this expensive device back in one piece.”